Friday, June 22, 2012

Desperate Measures

President Obama did not receive a bump in the polls after his latest amnesty proposal for 800,000 illegal alliens.  His proposal allows them to stay and work if they have not broken the law.  But there seems to be a problem.  Under the law if you cross the border without going through the legal process you are illegal.  In other words, they have broken the law.

The lack of enthusiasm this time around has the left and the President searching for anything to buy votes.  With the amnesty he just allowed 800,000 illegal workers to stay when over 13 million Americans are unemployed, including millions of legal hispanics and other minorities.

As election day draws near President Obama and the Democrat party will find ways to buy votes as they see this election as devastating to them as the mid-term elections were.  Expect President Obama to issue an Executive Order to forgive student loans.  Many college graduates are finding it very difficult to find work in this Obama economic recovery and enthusiasm just isn't there to vote for him again.  Next you can expect and Executive Order for home owners.  For example if your house is under water expect the President to help you out before the election.

Finally, the Democrats will pull out their playbook they've been using since the 60's and start throwing racism around to try and motivate minorities to go out and vote for them.  They will start by accusing Republicans of racism for going after Attorney General Holder for the lies he told about Fast and Furious.  It's not that he lied to congress and is hiding information.  It's all about those evil racist Republicans going after a black man.   And one more thing, in their playbook they will turn to the page that shows them how to scare old people about Republicans taking away their Social Security and Medicare and how people will die under their policies.


1 comment:

  1. Don't forget Republicans want to breath dirty air and drink dirty water.
