Friday, June 8, 2012


The Democrat party just shot themselves in the foot.  The re-call election of Governor Scott Walker exposed the unions for who they really are.  Now a majority of Americans realize that public sector unions  receive generous benefits packages in exchange for campaign contributions and votes.  The Democrat politicians give the generous benefits and the unions donate portions of that money back to the campaign coffers of Democrats. 

President Obama is now talking about another round of stimulus.  Again he wants to send money to the states to make sure public sector employees don't get laid off.  This is a way for him and his party to make sure that union dues don't fall behind.  The Democrat party needs those unions flush with cash so they can have access to it for there elections.

The Democrats must be in panic mode.  Part of Governor Walker's plan to balance the budget was to make public sector employees fork over a few dollars a month for there own health care benefits.  The best part of this plan was removing the power of the unions to deduct dues straight from the checks of there members.  Now union employees have an option to opt out of the unions by not sending in any dues.  Over 35,000 former members decided not to send in dues and Walker received 38% of the union vote on Tuesday.  That's one percent better than his election in 2010.

Republican Governors across the country need to look at what Walker did.  The Unions spent over $25,000,000 on this recall.  If every Governor did what Walker did the unions would go broke trying to re-call everyone.  This $25 million is a lot of money the unions won't have for this election cycle.  If Republicans across the country can show backbone like Governor Walker did the left won't stand the chance of survival.  We will finally be able to keep them in a permanent minority.


  1. The unions alone spent over $20 million and complain that they lost because they were out spent.

  2. The union bosses only care about themselves and their power in the Democrat party.
